Technical specification Title Number and UPRN Look Up dataset


The Title Number/UPRN Look Up Dataset contains title numbers from HM Land Registry and Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRN) from Ordnance Survey’s AddressBase. It covers registered properties in England and Wales that have an association to an address containing a UPRN reference.

Specification scope

Inclusions and exclusions

HM Land Registry (HMLR) records addresses at registration. We link them with Ordnance Survey AddressBase data if possible. If it is not possible we’ll create the new address.

HMLR match their created addresses and title numbers to new AddressBase addresses when they become available.

The title number and UPRNs can only be linked where we can make a relationship between Ordnance Survey's AddressBase address and the title number.

Relationship to other HM Land Registry data products

The Title Number and UPRN look Up dataset is closely linked to National Polygon and Title Descriptor datasets. They have been separated so that the datasets are smaller and easier to manage and maintain.

The title number is a unique identifier that can be linked to other HM Land Registry data.

Data content and structure

Table 1 - Title number and UPRN look up datatset: Class diagram

Class diagram of the dataset which describes the content and structure
Title Number/UPRN Look Up dataset
Title Number

Table 2 - Title Number and UPRN look up dataset: Table structure

Description of the data fields in the dataset
Field name Data type Mandatory Description
Title_No Character Yes Identifier of the title registration, required to enable associations to be made with the text register
UPRN Integer Yes Identifier of a spatial address

Data quality

As part of the address searching, ingest and matching process it is possible that:

  • duplicate addresses may exist because the information supplied does not match the address in the Land Registry Property Gazetteer (LRPG). This could result in two addresses in LRPG, one with a title number and no UPRN, the other with a UPRN but no title number.
  • an address exists with a UPRN but is not in LRPG and therefore has no title number associated with it

Data capture information

In the 1990s, HM Land Registry (HMLR) created its first national address database, populated with residential Postcode Address File (PAF) addresses from Royal Mail. Before this we used addressing data sourced from street card indexes and local gazetteers.

In 2002 we moved to our current addressing database - Land Registry Property Gazetteer (LRPG). LRPG used AddressPoint data from the Ordnance Survey to provide a base of national addresses and where appropriate linked our customer address and title numbers to the AddressPoint address.

In 2011 HMLR adopted Ordnance Survey MasterMap and moved from Address-Point to AddressLayer2.

In 2014 HMLR moved from AddressLayer 2 to AddressBase as our source of national addresses. LRPG ingests the post office PAF data from AddressBase to maintain consistency with the addressing that we used to take from AddressPoint and AddressLayer 2. We created the Title Number and UPRN look up dataset by linking AddressBase data to our title numbers.

Some post office addresses that do not match Local Authority addresses have been excluded from AddressBase. They do not have a UPRN and will not be available in this dataset.

We created LRPG to enable us to make relationships between title numbers and addresses. We make the association when a property is registered.

Where there is no address found in LRPG, HM Land Registry creates its own.

Where a title number affects many properties, all affecting UPRNs may be associated.

If an AddressBase address has not been transferred to LRPG, there will be no UPRN for that title even if one exists.

Data maintenance

Every 6 weeks HM Land Registry takes a change only update file of AddressBase. The data is imported and matched so that the LRPG is updated and title associations are made.

The data can change several times during the six weeks. The published data will only show the last change made.

Data product delivery

Access to the dataset

There is a charge for the dataset and you’ll have to sign a licence.

You'll be able to access the data after you've:

Granting access

The files are updated and available from the 2nd working day of each month.

You’ll have access to the full dataset and the validation files.

File structure

The dataset is provided as a CSV file. The data in each file will:

  • use a comma to separate each field: ',' (ASCII 44)
  • enclose all fields within double quotes: "" (ASCII 34)
  • send blank fields without a character between double quotes: ""
  • have a date format of DD-MM-YYYY. For example, 14 December 2013 will be shown as 14-12-2013
  • use UTF-8 encoding (the way characters are coded for websites)
  • have line separation removed
  • have the column heading name as the first row

File name

The file names will be structured as follows:

  • Full file: LR_UPRN_FULL_<3 character Month>.csv
  • Example file name structure for April 2020: LR_UPRN_FULL_APR.csv
  • Validation file: LR_UPRN_VALI_<3 character Month>.csv
  • Example file name structure for April 2020: LR_UPRN_VALI_APR.csv

Contact information

If you have any feedback or questions about this data, contact us via:


  • Telephone: 0300 006 0478
  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Find out about call charges
